
PHP Debug Output

Quick Start Guide

The standard output will look like this:

<full file path>
<Line>::<Class>::<Method> <Time> || <Elapsed Time>
<Label>: <Value>


65::testClass::testMethod 01:09:45:673 || 00:00:00:001
$test: My Test String
including both the files because they are used in the examples
require_once 'print_d.php';
require_once 'debug.php';

$test = 'example';
$array = array('foo' => 'value', 'bar' => 'value');
basic usage - no parameters
outputs backtrace and timer information
22::none::none 16:20:35:109 || 00:00:00:000
basic usage - variable
notice that because we are in the same file, there is no file path
28::none::none 16:20:35:109 || 00:00:00:000
$test: example
basic usage, defined constant
33::none::none 16:29:01:228 || 00:00:00:000
__LINE__: 29
basic usage, string
print_d('hello world');
38::none::none 16:33:36:943 || 00:00:00:001
hello world
basic usage, array in variable
44::none::none 16:44:30:386 || 00:00:00:001
$array: Array
    [foo] => value
    [bar] => value
basic usage, variable, backtrace level == 0
no backtrace or timing information, also no spacing before
this will visually append the output to the output above
print_d($test, 0);
$test: example
basic usage, variable, backtrace level 3
three lines of backtrace information
timer information only appears on the first backtrace line.
print_d($test, 3);
63::none::none 16:41:45:527 || 00:00:00:001
$test: example
using the debug class works exactly the same way
notice how subsequent calls with backtrace level 0 are appended to output
$bug = new debug();
$bug->out(__LINE__, 0);
$bug->out($array, 0);
73::none::none 16:54:52:084 || 00:00:00:001
$test: example
__LINE__: 75
$array: Array
    [foo] => value
    [bar] => value
using the multi parameter call
produces the same output as the three calls above
these two calls are equivalent
multi_d($test, __LINE__, $array);
$bug->multi($test, __LINE__, $array);
89::none::none 17:47:17:478 || 00:00:00:001
$test: example
__LINE__: 90
$array: Array
    [foo] => value
    [bar] => value
there are configuration values which can be changed.

addTime - whether to use the program timing feature
fileName - the name of the output file
filePath - the directory of the output file
printToFile - output to a file if true, standard output if false
timerPrint - only space before file name output
traceLevel - the number of backtrace lines to include in output
useLabels - whether to use the program labeling system
useWebTags - format with tags if true, do not if false

note that the sample below prints no timer information,two levels of backtrace data and does not print a label for the value
$config['addTime'] = false;
$config['traceLevel'] = 2;
$config['useLabels'] = false;
this setup will effect the default instance - used by both print_d and by the class unless it's instantiated otherwise
one of the things which makes the class more versatile, is the ability to set up more than one instance by passing in an identifier upon instantiation note that the output from this class will be the default output and will include the file path, because the it's a new instance
$new = new debug('new');
131::none::none 18:23:04:653 || 00:00:00:001
$test: example
the default instance is still set up the way it was
if we change the configuration on the new instance, it effects only that instance. this feature is especially useful for printing different kinds of output to multiple output files

note that the output is formatted poorly because it's being printed to a web page and is formatted for file output
$new->setup(array('useWebTags' => false));
149::none::none 18:37:13:294 || 00:00:00:001 $array: Array ( [foo] => value [bar] => value )
this instance will be set up to do pretty timer output. There will be a space in the output only before a file name is printed. Timer output is best done to a file, where it's easy to read.
$timer = new debug('timer');
$timer->setup(array('timerSpacing' => true));
(do something for six microseconds)
158::none::none 20:33:47:048 || 00:00:00:000
162::none::none 20:33:47:054 || 00:00:00:006
163::none::none 20:33:47:054 || 00:00:00:000
164::none::none 20:33:47:054 || 00:00:00:000